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Cast: William Forsythe, Casper Van Dien, Theresa Russell, Patrick Muldoon
Mike (Casper Van Dien) decides to hit the road on his refurbished classic motorcycle along with best buddy Alex (Patrick Muldoon), but their trek takes a surprising turn when they become involved in a plan involving political blackmail, corruption, and dirty money. Carrying evidence that could get them killed at any minute, the boys are chased on the open road but turn their skills to their own advantage.

"Born To Ride" is a mixed bag as far as movies go. on one side you don't get to see many motorcycle movies anymore so it's a nice change of pace. Secondly who doesn't love William Forsythe, Casper Van Dien, and Theresa Russell? Toss in Patrick Muldoon and you have a little "Starship Troopers" reunite going on. Now on the negative the side, the story starts off interesting enough but somewhere along the way it begins to go in too many directions and becomes a bit confusing, to go into details on the plot would just create more confusion here so what is already written above is plenty to know going in, also I thought the ending could of been a lot better. Still for what it is the film manages to be an entertaining adventure in spite of it's flaws. A lot of that is due to the cast and the action scenes are pretty good as well. To me the film played more like a made for television movie than a theatrical or direct to video title but I still found it enjoyable, a decent time waster for sure.

With a bit more work on the script it could of been a much better film but as it is it's entertaining enough plus it has a very good cast. Just don't go into this expecting another "Easy Rider" and you you might have an enjoyable time watching it, there's a lot better movies out there but I have seen a lot worse as well. The DVD contains only the movie and you can order it HERE.
Released by Image Entertainment
** 1/2 Out Of *****