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Image and video hosting by TinyPic Cast: Daniel Newman, David Anders, Kandyse McClure, Preston Bailey

Director: Donald P. Borchers

Genre: Horror

Year: 2009

Rating: NR

In an effort to bring their marriage back from the dead, Burt and Vicki take a second honeymoon, but their road trip takes an unexpected detour when they get stuck in an empty farm town, where the tall rows of corn hide a horrifying secret.

This is certainly more a revision than a remake of the 1984 original classic. This 2009 version is more faithful to Stephen King's short story, the original film certainly took it's liberties with the story. The film takes place in Gatlin, Nebraska 1963, a boy preacher preaches out to group of children about He Who Walks Behind The Rows and what he expects them to do. Twelve years later, a married couple, Burt and Vicki head out on the road when they soon struck a young boy whose throat was apparently slit. They soon drive to Gatlin when they realize that the town is deserted of all adults and is a home to a cult of children who leads this lovely couple down a path to their own doom. I would say the original had more atmosphere and the children were made up better to fit the roles but I liked the way Stephen and Writer/Director, Donald P. Borchers adapted the short story for this Television version. There is some pretty good suspense as well as some nice gore along the way and the acting was very good for a made for TV movie. The DVD version is Uncut and Uncensored which means more blood a little nudity and more fun, I did not see this when it aired on the SyFy Channel but I can imagine what was left out when I watched this. It is never easy or at times wise even to remake a classic film but I thought the film-makers here did the some justice by making it closer to what the original story was in the first place so those of you that read the short story should be pleased by this film and what it does. Children of The Corn 2009 is better in some ways than the original film and it provides all the ingredients that makes up an entertaining horror flick. Halloween is right around the corner and this will make a nice addition to the films you might already have lined up for that evening. If your a horror buff I highly recommend picking this up, it breaths new life into the classic tale. The DVD comes with Special Features that include:

New Directions--An interview with Writer/Director Donald P. Borchers on remaking a cult classic

Cast of The Corm--Interviews with Actors Kandyse McClure "Vicky", David Anders "Burt" and Daniel Newman "Malachai"

To Live and Die in Gatlin--Interviews with Production Designers Andrew Hussey and Special Make-Up FX Supervisor Alan Tuskes

Fly on The Wall--Behind -the -scene footage from the set of Children of The Corn

Released by Anchor Bay Home Entertainment

*** 1/2 Out Of *****