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Cast: Karen Gillan (Guardians of the Galaxy Franchise), Beulah Koale (“Hawaii: Five-0”) with Theo James (Divergent franchise) and Aaron Paul (“Breaking Bad”)

Director: Riley Stearns

Genre: Sci-Fi/Thriller

Year: 2022

Rating: R

In DUAL, upon receiving a terminal diagnosis, Sarah (Karen Gillan) opts for a cloning procedure to ease her loss on her friends and family. When she makes a sudden and miraculous recovery, her attempts to have her clone decommissioned fail and lead to a court-mandated duel to the death. Now she has one year to train her body and mind for the fight of her life.

After watching the trailer for the film I was definitely interested in where it would go even though I was a little worried about the one-year-to-train part being a bit boring. From reading the synopsis you can visualize the film going a few different ways but I think most would be hoping for an action-packed and bloody ending.

'Dual' turned out to be more of a drama than a thriller as it focused more on the characters than anything else and for the most part, the dry humor just didn't work for me. The film is certainly different and for that, I give credit to Writer/Director, Riley Stearns and the cast was all excellent including, Karen Gillan who plays Sarah, and Aaron Paul who plays her trainer.

'Dual" isn't a bad film but I was hoping for more when the ending came around after investing the time to get to know the characters and their motives. I would recommend the film for at least a watch just don't expect an action-packed thriller and you should be fine. 'Dual" will be on DVD and Blu-ray July 19, 2022 with Special Features that include: “The Making of DUAL” and Director Audio Commentary

Released by RLJE Film

** 1/2 Out Of *****


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