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Image and video hosting by TinyPic Cast: Kevin Spacey, Camilla Belle, Heather Graham, Johnny Knoxville, John Stamos

Director: Trent Cooper

Genre: Comedy/Drama

Year: 2010

Rating: PG-13

Robert Axle, an arrogant infomercial mogul whose empire collapses after one of his products maims thousands of consumers. After 8 years in prison, he tries to rebuild his fortune, but must first reconnect with his estranged daughter, her man-hating roommate, his boneheaded new employer, the ex-wife who squandered his fortune, and the ruthless executive who took over his company. Can a man who's lost everything devise a way to get back on top?

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"Father of Invention" is a wonderful little Indie film about a man looking for redemption both in his business life and in his personal life as he attempts to reconnect with his daughter. Kevin Spacey is terrific as Robert, he does a wonderful job in bringing all the emotions to the character as well as giving him just the right amount of subtle humor. In some ways the film's character of Robert mimics Spacey's own life in Hollywood where he has been in and out of the spotlight over the years. While I'm on the subject of cast members I cannot leave out Camilla Belle, Heather Graham, Johnny Knoxville and John Stamos all of which give terrific performances that not only compliments Spacey's performance but they each add an important part to the story.

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The film may not win any major Hollywood awards and it doesn't come with amazing chase scenes, explosions or special effects and it certainly doesn't try to reinvent the wheel but it doesn't need any of that because it's instead a touching and at times very funny film about a man who just wants to leave his past behind him and make up for lost time with his daughter, change doesn't come easy for Robert, a man looking who is always for the next big invention but his biggest accomplishment just might be reinventing himself.

"Father of Invention" is the kind of film Hollywood should be making more of, the story is simple but the characters, dialogue and the great mix of drama and humor makes for a highly entertaining time. Kevin Spacey has always been a versatile actor who could play just about any character and he really shines here in one of his best roles in recent memory. A solid piece of film-making so if you're looking for something different to watch then I highly recommend picking this up, you will be glad you did.

Available of both DVD and Blu-ray, the film comes with Special Features that include:

The Making of Father of Invention

You can order the DVD HERE and the Blu-ray HERE.

Released by Anchor Bay Entertainment

*** 1/2 Out Of *****