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Image and video hosting by TinyPic Cast: Nathan Sapsford, Jessica Webb, Farah Lavassani, Arthur Richardson, Peter McGlynn, Noah Butler, David Terell, Jim Patneaude

Director: Rob Hamilton

Genre: Thriller

Year: 2012

Rating: NR

During a routine autopsy, forensic pathologist Martin Revell (Nathan Sapsford – Water On Mars) discovers a relic key in a suicide victim’s stomach. Martin’s investigation into this seemingly harmless object leads him into a world of obsession, insanity, and an inevitable encounter with Detective Warton (Arthur Richardson – The Legend of Black Annie).

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"Key" opens with a woman running in a wooded area from someone, she is then grabbed. The film quickly switches scenes to a graveyard, this is where we first meet forensic pathologist Martin Revell who is mourning the death of his wife. Martin gets a visit from Detective Warton who seems to suspect Martin of killing his own wife, if Martin isn't suffering enough already he has to deal with this Detective who doesn't want to give up. Martin attempts to move with his life but visions of the past with his wife haunts him on a daily basis and his drinking has gotten worse. To make matters worse the Detective tells him they don't have many leads in the murder of his wife. But things begin to change for Martin when he is doing a routine autopsy on a doctor who committed suicide. During his investigation he finds a fairly large key in the man's stomach. This immediately gets Martin interested, why would this smart man decid to kill himself and why would he swallow this key? Before long he gets a visit from the doctor's daughter and from there things begin to get a bit stranger as Martin becomes obsessed with this key.

"Key" is a thinking man' thriller that is drenched in mystery and intrigue, the film grabs your attention right from the start and it keeps you glued to the screen waiting, wanting to know more. What is this key? Does this all have anything to do with the murder of Martin's wife? Is the Detective some how involved in all of this, after-all he seems a bit too interested in what Martin is doing instead of investigating the crime. These are all questions you keep asking yourself throughout the film.

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To talk too much about the plot would only ruin this very suspenseful thriller for those waiting to see it but I can tell you that this is an original and unique film that engages it's audience. When you have such a detailed and interesting story you look to get a cast that can deliver and this cast does on every level. Nathan Sapsford is simply amazing as Martin, a tortured man yet a determined one as well wanting answers to the murder of his wife. This is a man on the edge and Nathan does a fantastic job playing this complex character. Arthur Richardson is also terrific as the Detective and the Jessica Nicole Webb is amazing as the doctor's daughter who is also looking for answers.

It's nice to see an intelligent and captivating film that doesn't rely on cheap gimmicks to get the audience's attention. Writer/Director, Rob Hamilton deserves a lot of credit for making such a wonderful film, I must also mention his Co-writer, AJ Hordijk. Both have done a great job creating this story and the direction is flawless. If you like a good thriller then I highly recommend picking this up, "Key" is a mind that quickly gets in your head and doesn't let you good till it's amazing ending, a gem of a film that should not be missed.

You can order the DVD HERE. The DVD comes with Special Features that include:

Photo Gallery


Released by Osiris Entertainment

**** Out Of *****