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Cast: James Ray, Kathleen Benner, Ashley Francis, Michael Harrelson
Valora was just your average, all American girl; looking for love in an online world. Then she met Ridley. He was strong, good looking, and best of all, he listened. So she agreed to meet him. It was a public place after all. What could happen? Ridley was just your average, all American psychopath; looking for love in an online world. Then he met Valora. She was strong, good looking, and best of all, she listened. So he arranged to meet her. It would be a public place; after all, he was careful. Shortly after their meeting, Ridley kidnaps Valora and takes her on the date of a lifetime. She can stay and talk or she can run; her choice. He likes when they run. It becomes sport. Valora chooses not to run and the courtship begins. Over the next few days Valora is tortured, physically and mentally, but Ridley, oddly remains always the gentlemen. In his own perverse way, he’s trying to woo her. With nothing left to lose, Valora puts her plan in motion to turn the tables. The hunted becomes the hunter. The victim becomes the victor, but only after putting Ridley through everything that he put her through first.

"The Abducted" AKA "Match Dead" doesn't really offer a whole of anything new but it's the execution that is key here. The story is about Valora who was raised by her Grandfather who taught her how to survive and Ridley who on the other hand was raised be to a ruthless hunter without a conscience, one one fateful day their paths collide. Instead of being a all out torture film like you might think it is the film is more story and character driven, it is deliberately slow but it never becomes boring. Since it is more about the story and it's characters you easily feel for them and grow an attachment to them in one way or another. The settings are nothing fancy but they work in creating the feeling of isolation and the fear of nowhere to run. The story is predictable, I mean you know where it is heading but the journey there is suspenseful and tension filled enough to keep you invested. The two main actors, James Ray and Kathleen Benner are both very good and they play off each other in a realistic and believable way. "The Abducted" isn't a great film and like I said it doesn't really bring anything new to the table but credit has to go out to Director, Jon Bonnell for delivering the story in a different way, instead of being a gut-wrenching and brutal film it is instead a thought-provoking film that still delivers enough violence to please fan's of the genre. As the film nears it's end the pace picks up once the action goes into full swing and the suspense goes up another level, Ray does a terrific job at playing the villain, he makes it very easy for the audience to hate him and Benner puts in a performance just as impressive, towards the climax of the film she takes over the spotlight and delivers when it counts the most.

These types of horror/thrillers have been done over and over again but "The Abducted" was much better than I expected and a lot more entertaining than some of the big-budget Hollywood films I have seen. If you like the genre then I recommend giving this one a look at, like myself I think you will find it to be different enough yet still with enough edge without all the nudity or rape scenesto make for an entertaining thrill ride.
Released by Midnight Releasing
*** Out Of *****