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Image and video hosting by TinyPic Cast: Matthew Albrecht, Cathy Baron, Stewart Calhoun, Amelia Meyers, JR May, Micah Sudduth, Mark Ford, Jackson Johnson, Fred Parker and Corrie Loftin

Director: Tyler Glodt

Genre: Thriller

Year: 2011

Rating: PG-13

A group of students are en route to the beach for spring break when their car overheats near a crumbling hunting lodge, leaving them alone and defenseless while an unseen force attacks them from all sides.

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From the outside "The Eves" might seem like just another slasher film but you quickly find out it is much more than that. The story is about a group of friends who are heading to the beach for a good time when their car suddenly breaks down, lost and with no cell phone reception it seems as though they are stuck in the middle of nowhere but help arrives in the form of two cops. The cops tells them to drive a bit and they will come upon a hunting lodge where they can get help but after they arrive it seems like it's been abandoned but it doesn't take them long to realize they are not alone. To be honest the less you know about the story the better off you are going to be because if you read too much into it you may end up ruinging the film for yourself. "The Eves" is slow moving at first as it sets up the story and introduces us to it's characters. It is the character development that separates it from other films in the genre. By doing so it gives the audience some invested interest in these people later on in the film. More a thriller than a horror film but even with it's slow pace early on it's never boring and it moves along well, after a few members disappear from the group you begin to question who it might be doing all this, one character you might think is behind it all is John, he is a quiet and shy guy who the others think is gay and after being told what they were saying about him he storms off, but any suspicions you might of had are gone a little bit later. The great thing about the film is it keeps you in a total mystery as you wait to find out who it is that is doing the killing.

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Director, Tyler Glodt does a great job at hiding the killer(s) while still creating great suspense and tension. Around an hour into the film the pieces of the puzzle slowly begin to fall together and its also where most of the film's action is. There isn't a lot of blood in the film but there really doesn't have to be since it relies more on it's characters and it's mystery, the film also creates some great tension and suspense. The cast did a terrific job playing their characters, there was no one that stood out to me, instead it was a solid job of acting by the entire ensemble. "The Eves" is an original and clever thriller that grabs your attention early and it never lets you go till the shocking end. I had a great time watching this and recommend it to all fan's of the genre, a potent thriller that will have you at the edge of your seat, it delivers on every level.

The DVD will be released on August, 23rd and it will come with Special Features that include

Production Galleries


You can visit Osiris Entertainment's web site to find out when you can order the DVD HERE.

Released by Osiris Entertainment

**** Out Of *****