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Cast: Mark Caven, Josh Peck, James Ransone

Director: Anthony O'Brien

Genre: Western/Drama

Year: 2015

Rating: NR

In the Outback’s Wild West, two desperate brothers take a job as bounty hunters to save their home. But in The Timber, brutality and bloodshed is the law of the land.

"The Timber" tells the story of Wyatt and Samuel, two brothers turned bounty hunters in order to save their home. You don't know it at the beginning but Samuel is the weaker of the two brothers as far as being mentally prepared. Wyatt is more ruthless, you get the feeling he could kill someone without thinking twice about it. Samuel on the other hand wants to head back to his wife and their baby at the first sign of trouble. And then there is the rugged and snowy landscape of The Timber which is not only bitter cold but it is also hard to navigate through with all the deep snow.

The landscapes and the cinematography are the film's best assets, it is extremely beautiful to look at. The acting is another positive, James Ransone and Josh Peck are both very good as Wyatt and Samuel and the supporting cast all did a fine job as well.

The film's biggest weakness is in the script, the story is just too slow for its own good and there's not enough happening so I fear a lot will become bored with it. Luckily the film isn't very long and the ending supplies a decent amount of excitement.

Available on DVD and Blu-ray with Special Features that include:

Audio Commentary with Director

Behind the Scenes

Interviews with Cast

You can order the DVD HERE and the Blu-ray HERE.

I was hoping for a little better story here and the characters could have been fleshed out a bit more but if you like westerns then I recommend a watch.

Released by Well Go USA

** 1/2 Out Of *****